[vsnet-alert 19695] RZ LMi: precursor and superoutburst

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Apr 6 15:13:03 JST 2016

RZ LMi: precursor and superoutburst

   Geoff Stone, Shugarov team, Tamas Tordai, Crimean
Astrophys. Obs. team, Franky Dubois, Enrique de Miguel
and Kiyota-san have reported new observations.
On early Apr. 5, the object was fading from a precursor
outburst.  In this phase, superhumps started to grow
and the object further brightened.
The was only one normal outburst between the two
The superhump period during this growing phase is
0.0597(1) d, not particularly longer than the known
superhump period.  Further O-C analysis will tell
how the period evolves.  Further observations are

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