[vsnet-alert 20879] Re: 2MASS J17012815-4306123

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Apr 5 11:11:46 JST 2017

> the surrounding nebula is an
> already-catalogued PN G343.3-00.6 = HtTr 5, found 35 years ago
> by Hartl & Tritton on UK Schmidt plates in 1983
> (1985A&A...145...41H).

   Yes, I noticed this.

>      UVES echelle spectra from 2008 were published by
> Masetti et al (2013A&A...556A.120M), who identify it as
> a cv.
>      It is also already present in VSX as GDS_J1701281-430612
> (albeit with few details from the GDS survey).

   Looking at these materials, it seem to me that
IGRJ17014-4306 is the best name since Masetti et al.
was apparently the first to identify the nature
of this central star.

   It looks like that GDS_J1701281-430612 was
used since the object was reported to the AAVSO
(there were observations in the last year)
simply by this name.  The GDS light curve was not
conclusive for a variable star.

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