[vsnet-alert 20761] CSS131223:062450+503111 possible superoutburst

Keisuke Isogai isogai at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sun Mar 12 21:32:38 JST 2017

CSS131223:062450+503111 possible superoutburst

     ASAS-SN detection. Past outbursts resemble superoutbursts.
The current outburst seems to be a superoutburst.

CSS131223:062450+503111    06:24:49.99    50:31:11.20    16 2017/03/11 06:58    57823.29039000021    14.59    15.77 56661.40378

CRTS_J062450.0+503111 20170311.290 14.59V ASN

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