[vsnet-campaign-dn 4441] ASAS 160048-4846.2: superhump period change

Makoto Uemura uemuram at hiroshima-u.ac.jp
Wed Jun 22 19:06:37 JST 2005

ASAS 160048-4846.2:  superhump period change

    We performed preliminary period analysis of ASAS 160048-4846.2 
using the data taken by B. Monard.  Results are very interesting; 
the behavior of superhumps is quite similar to that observed in RZ Leo,
another WZ Sge-type dwarf nova having a long orbital period 
(Ishioka et al., 2001, PASJ, 53, 905).

    Superhumps rapidly evolved during 9-12 June. 
After this early phase, the superhump period began increasing, 
which is typical for WZ Sge stars.  This phase was terminated on Jun 18, 
and then, the period decreased.  In most cases of WZ Sge stars, 
this phase transition occurs after terminations of superoutbursts.  
In the case of RZ Leo, however, it occurred during a superoutburst.  
And now, ASAS 160048-4846.2 also.

    This phase transition from "period increasing" to "period decreasing" 
may be a sign of a termination of the current outburst.  
Follow-up observations are encouraged.

Makoto Uemura
Hiroshima University

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