[vsnet-alert 10511] V466 And: early superhumps, change in the profile

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sat Sep 6 15:21:53 JST 2008

V466 And = OT J020025.4+441019: early superhumps, change in the profile

   Pavol A. Dubovsky has kindly sent further observations on two nights,
the most recent observation being only three hours ago!
The light curve now consists of double maxima with similar shape and
amplitude.  The full amplitude has reduced to ~0.07 mag.
The change in the profile might suggest that ordinary superhumps are
immediately emerging.  There is no indication of a change in the period yet.

   Further uninterrupted observations are very strongly encouraged.
Since the object is getting fainter, we recommend unfiltered photometry
for small telescopes.

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