[vsnet-alert 10542] V466 And: change in superhumps!

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Sep 23 15:46:29 JST 2008

V466 And: change in superhumps!

   We have received further data from Jeremy Shears, Nakajima-san,
and Kyoto team (Ohshima-san, three nights).  The most recent data
now clearly show new development of the superhumps associated
with a positive period derivative.

   The mean superhump period (of the ordinary superhumps) up to
Sep. 22 was 0.05719(2) d, with Pdot = +4(1)*10^(-5).
The rate of period change in less dramatic than in ordinary
SU UMa-type dwarf novae with this superhump period.
The profile of the superhumps has become flatter than before,
suggesting another epoch of evolution (regrowth of superhumps?
or rapid fading?, "dip" phenomenon as seen in WZ Sge-type dwarf novae?).
Intensive observations are still very wanted to follow the full
evolution of this remarkable superoutburst.

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