[vsnet-alert 11243] Possible nova in Centaurus ASAS 133116-6357.6

Grzegorz Pojmanski gp at astrouw.edu.pl
Wed May 13 19:50:32 JST 2009

Possible nova in Centaurus ASAS 133116-6357.6

Grzegorz Pojmanski, Dorota Szczygiel and Bogumil Pilecki of Warsaw 
University Astronomical Observatory report:
ASAS3V instrument of The All Sky Automated Survey (telephoto lens 200/2.8, 
diameter 70mm + CCD + Johnsons V  filter, 3 minute exposures, pixel size 
14.8 arcsec, rms astrometric accuracy - 4  arcsec) 

has detected possible outburst of nova  located at
at RA = 13h 31m 16s  DEC = -63d 57'.6

Object was V=8.53 at its maximum and is currently fading at the rate 
of 0.2 mag/day.

Several faint sources are present close to this position in the DSS image and
USNO-B catalog, so no progenitor could be suggested based on the ASAS 
    DATE      UT                       HJD      V
04/05/2009 04:01:20 (May 04.168) 2454955.6718 invisible
08/05/2009 05:38:14 (May 08.235) 2454959.7391 8.533 
11/05/2009 02:34:38 (May 11.108) 2454962.6114 9.121 
11/05/2009 03:21:22 (May 11.140) 2454962.6441 9.134 

Light curve and images can be found on

Regards, Grzegorz Pojmanski

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