[vsnet-alert 11369] Possible nova in Sagittarius: ASAS 180708-3346.6

Grzegorz Pojmanski gp at astrouw.edu.pl
Fri Aug 7 21:16:14 JST 2009

Possible nova in Sagittarius: ASAS 180708-3346.6

Grzegorz Pojmanski, Dorota Szczygiel and Bogumil Pilecki of Warsaw 
University Astronomical Observatory report:
ASAS3V instrument of The All Sky Automated Survey (telephoto lens 200/2.8, 
diameter 70mm + CCD + Johnsons V  filter, 3 minute exposures, pixel size 
14.8 arcsec, rms astrometric accuracy - 4  arcsec) 

has detected possible outburst of nova located at
at RA = 18h 07m 08s  DEC = -33d 46'.6

Object was V=7.78 on August 06, 2009. Due to bad weather and technical 
maintenance on our site we were unable to get more observations, but
object was detected at the same positions on three exposures separated 
by one minute.

Several faint sources are present close to this position in the DSS image and
USNO-B catalog, so no progenitor could be suggested based on the ASAS 
    DATE      UT                       HJD      V
04/08/2009 03:39:03 (Aug 04.152) 2455047.6568 invisible
06/08/2009 04:22:01 (Aug 06.182) 2455049.6865 7.78

Light curve and images can be found on

Regards, Grzegorz Pojmanski

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