[vsnet-alert 12528] PT And = M31N 2010-12a: a spectrum on 2010 Dec.10

Akira Arai arai6a at cc.kyoto-su.ac.jp
Sat Dec 25 19:15:41 JST 2010

We obtained an optical spectrum of PT And = M31N 2010-12a (c.f. CBET 2574)
according to the report by maehara-san on 2010 Deceber 10.
No prominent emission lines were detected in our spectra as observed
in ordinary
classical or recurrent novae in its early decline phase.

Our result is in agreement with recent reports that the object appear to be
a dwarf nova  ( [vsnet-alert 12484] , [vsnet-alert 12527]).

Our spectrum on Dec.10 is showed in the following page:

Akira Arai,
Kyoto Sangyo University

Akira Arai (PD)
Kohyama Astronomical Observatory,
Kyoto Sangyo University, Japan
mail : arai6a at cc.kyoto-su.ac.jp

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