[vsnet-alert 13342] Re: OT J210950.5+134840 = Itagaki transient

Korotkiy Stas planet171 at yandex.ru
Wed May 25 17:07:49 JST 2011

 1909-08-15  >15.2mag (HDAP)
 1909-08-15  >15.2mag (HDAP)
 1912-09-09  >13.2mag (HDAP)
 1913-07-31  >14.5mag (HDAP)
 1951-07-30 ~18mag (DSS)
 1991-07-16 ~18mag (DSS)
 1992-10-16 ~18mag (DSS)
 1995-07-21 ~18mag (DSS)
 1998-09-21 >14mag (2MASS)
 2000-06-16 - 2005-08-15 ~18mag (NEAT)

Stas Korotkiy,

25.05.2011, 08:16, "Taichi Kato" <tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp>:
> OT J210950.5+134840 = Itagaki transient
>    Itagaki-san has detected a likely dwarf nova in outburst.
> The object was at 11.5C mag on May 24.6991 UT.
> The amplitude of the outburst is larger than 7 mag, and it is likely
> a WZ Sge-type outburst.  Time-resolved photometry and spectroscopy
> are encouraged!
> http://www.cbat.eps.harvard.edu/unconf/followups/J21095047+1348396.html

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