[vsnet-alert 16962] Is LMC V1341 in eruption?

Rob Kaufman rob.kau at gmail.com
Mon Mar 3 20:54:18 JST 2014

I imaged the field of this recurrent nova tonight and there seems to be a
faint star at the position, as far as I can tell given the scale.  Could
someone have a look?  Unfortunately it's not far above the noise level of
my image - however it is faintly visible in each of the subs I took (7 x 30
sec).  MPChecker revealed nothing near the position. Here is the link:


In the green channel it would be around mag 14.5 (~V).  There was nothing
visible there last night in an image to the same depth.

Thanks - hope it's not a false alarm.

Rob Kaufman
Bright, Vic, Australia

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