[vsnet-alert 18106] MASTER OT J043915.60+424232.3 outburst

Denis Denisenko d.v.denisenko at gmail.com
Fri Dec 26 17:32:14 JST 2014

This dwarf nova in Perseus discovered by MASTER-Tunka robotic
telescope on 2014 Jan. 21.651 UT (P. Balanutsa at al., ATel #5787) is
in outburst for the first time after discovery. Here are the most
recent observations with Bradford Robotic Telescope:

MASTER OT J043915.60+424232.3
  20141204.054  <172CR  BRT
  20141208.078  <180CR  BRT
  20141219.003  <180CR  BRT
  20141226.095  15.7CR  BRT  Outburst!

Orbital period is unknown. Time series are encouraged.

The variable at quiescence is identified with a faint blue star:
USNO-B1.0 1327-0126530 (04 39 15.51 +42 42 32.6 B1=20.78 R1=N/A
B2=21.13 R2=19.49 I=N/A)
Color-combined DSS finder chart:

I've been using USNO-B1.0 1326-0125264 which is 2.3' south of the
variable (04 39 16.93 +42 40 16.2) as a reference star with R=15.34
(0.5*R1+0.5*R2 from USNO-B1).

Denis Denisenko
Member of MASTER team at SAI MSU

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