[vsnet-alert 19012] MASTER OT J212624.16+253827.2 outburst

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Fri Aug 28 11:24:40 JST 2015

MASTER OT J212624.16+253827.2 outburst

   ASAS-SN detection.  The 2013 superoutburst was relatively
well observed.  The current outburst looks like
a superoutburst.

MASTEROTJ212624.16+253827.2	21:26:24.16	25:38:27.20	18.57	2015/08/27 11:57	57261.49800000014	14.24	14.30	57261.50051

MASTER_OT_J212624.16+253827.2 20150827.498 14.24V ASN
MASTER_OT_J212624.16+253827.2 20150827.501 14.30V ASN

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