[vsnet-alert 21636] ASASSN-17pm: updated period of early superhumps

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Nov 28 07:57:41 JST 2017

ASASSN-17pm: updated period of early superhumps

    We have received further observations from
Crimean Astrophys. Obs. team, Tonny Vanmunster,
Josch Hambsch and Itoh-san.  The period of
updated early superhumps is 0.059751(5) d.
It has been becoming more and more evident that
when ordinary superhumps start to develop when
observations became fewer.  It is the most important
moment (stage A superhumps and determination of
the mass ratio) and observations from now on
are most strongly requested.

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