[vsnet-campaign-dn 5098] More on EF Tuc

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Mon Sep 3 15:19:24 JST 2007

   On EF Tuc = EC 23593-6724 = ASAS 000155-6707.7 = 1RXSJ000154.2-670749
more info on past "outbursts"


[vsnet-id 720]

ASAS 000155-6707.7 = 1RXSJ000154.2-670749 = EC 23593-6724

From: Patrick Wils

The variable ASAS 000155-6707.7 in the third list of ASAS variables
(http://archive.princeton.edu/~asas/) may be identified with the
novalike variable 1RXSJ000154.2-670749 = EC 23593-6724 from the list of
Downes et.al.  It is classified as MISC with a period of 228 days in
the ASAS catalogue.  Two outbursts to about mag 12.4 were observed near
JD 2451890 and 2452120, so it is probably a new dwarf nova.  

[vsnet-campaign-dn 3323]

From: Vello Tabur

I've reviewed my images with mixed success. My older images were taken
with a 135mm lens, and the slightly longer focal
length and larger aperture does show the star on some images.
Unfortunately, the images taken with a 100mm lens (a large
proportion of images) also show it occasionally, but much closer to the
noise threshold. I doubt that the derived mags are
of sufficient quality... but here goes. Mags are CCD-R.

2000 01 04 000756.st6    2451548.047    12.5    Image is blurred, but
shows the object.
2000 12 23 005440.st6    2451902.079    12.6
2000 12 23 005538.st6    2451902.080    12.4
2001 07 20 001902.st6    2452111.097    12.9
2002 04 03 191145.st6    2452367.883    11.4    Possible cosmic ray hit
2002 07 10  223857.st6   2452466.028    12.3
2002 07 10  223956.st6   2452466.028    12.0

The two images on 2451902 gel with the ASAS peak of 2451890.
The one image on 2452111 is a few days before the second ASAS peak on
The two images on 2452466 suggest another peak around this time.

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