[vsnet-campaign 1587] VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary
Makoto Uemura
uemuram at hiroshima-u.ac.jp
Mon Jul 11 15:23:27 JST 2005
VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary
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*** Headlines ***
W. Liller discovered Nova Sgr 2005 No.2 ----- V5116 Sgr
*** Last week news ***
(new targets)
V5116 Sgr (RA = 18h17m50s.77, Dec = -30d26'31".2)
(= Nova Sgr 2005 No.2)
W. Liller discovered a new object (~8.0mag) on two red photos
taken at July 4.049 (vsnet-campaign-nova 1687). S. Otero reported
that it was fainter than V=14.5 in the ASAS3 database (vsnet-alert
8537). M. Cwiok et al. reported that "Pi of the Sky" CCD cameras
took an image on July 3.0556, which show no object brighter than
10.5mag (vsnet-alert 8539). Following the alert by W. Liller, the
new object was soon confirmed (vsnet-campaign-nova 1697, 1688, 1691).
A spectrum taken by W. Liller on July 5.009 shows a strong H_alpha
emission, whose FWHM is about 970 km/s. It is indeed a classical
nova (vsnet-campaign-nova 1689, 1692). M. Fujii also took a spectra
on July 6.59. The balmer series emission lines are strong (FWHM of
Halpha = 1900km/s). The Fe II-series emission lines are also
present. The spectrum is a typical one for an Fe II-class nova
(vsnet-campaign-nova 1699).
B. Monard reported a possible oscillation of the nova's brightness
on July 6(vsnet-campaign-nova 1698). The object started rapid
fading around July 9 (vsnet-campaign 1585, vsnet-campaign-nova 1696,
1701, 1702, 1703). S. Otero reported a possible termination of the
rapid fading (9.6mag, July 10.010; vsnet-campaign-nova 1704).
NSV 13983 (RA = 21h59m50s.909, Dec = -68d50'41".53)
R. Stubbings reported an outburst (12.5mag) of NSV 13983 at July
4.452. The current outburst of NSV13983 is one of the brightest in
the record (vsnet-campaign-dn 4466).
V419 Lyr (RA = 19h10m14s.0, Dec = +29d06'15")
According to B. Dillon (CVNET message), the SU UMa-type dwarf nova
V419 Lyr is undergoing an outburst (V=15.0, July 5.417). V419 Lyr
has a long (0.0901 d) superhump period, close to the lower edge of
the CV period gap. If the current outburst turns out to be a
superoutburst, intensive time-series photometry is encouraged
(vsnet-campaign-dn 4467).
AM Her (RA = 18h16m13s.4, Dec = +49d52'03".1)
Recent visual observations imply that AM Her slightly brightened
from the deep minimum (vsnet-campaign-polar 40).
AD Men (RA = 06h04m30s.83, Dec = -71d25'22".25)
R. Stubbings reported that the dwarf nova AD Men is undergoing a
long outburst (14.3mag, July 4.412; vsnet-campaign-dn 4470).
ROTSE3 J151453.6+020934.2 (RA = 15h14m53s.6, Dec = +02d09'34".2)
An outburst of this object was reported at July 7.1458 (14.7mag),
but was not confirmed (vsnet-campaign 1586, vsnet-outburst 6540).
V1504 Cyg (RA = 19h28m55.87s, Dec = +43d05'39".9)
An outburst was reported on July 10. It may be a superoutburst
(vsnet-campaign-dn 4472).
(old targets)
IL Vul (RA = 20h38m32s.72, Dec = +22d42'16".7)
According to T. Krajci (CVNET message), no sign of superhumps was
detected. The object was also reported to be steadily fading.
It could be an SS Cyg-type star (as inferred from the IBVS light
curve), or a short, normal outburst (vsnet-campaign-dn 4463).
V589 Her (RA = 16h22m07s.19, Dec = +19d22'36".3)
According to T. Krajci (CVNET message), no sign of superhumps was
detected. The object was reported to be steadily fading. Combined
with T. Vanmunster's result, there is no evidence of superhumps
during the present outburst (vsnet-campaign-dn 4462). K. Nakajima
reported 15.73C mag at July 6.48755 (vsnet-campaign-dn 4469).
2QZ J021927.9-304545 (RA = 02h19m22s.5, Dec = -30d45'10")
B. Monard reported superhumps with an amplitude of 0.25mag and a
period about 0.085d (+/- 0.01d) on July 4. T. Kato commented that
the outburst pattern and superhump period look similar to those of
DH Aql (vsnet-campaign-dn 4464). According to past records of
superoutbursts, the supercycle length looks slightly variable
(vsnet-campaign-dn 4465).
SWIFT J1753.5-0127 (RA = 17h53m28s.3, Dec = -01d27m06s)
ATel #553 reported multiband photometry of the new X-ray transient
with Swift UVOT. According to the report, it has B-V~0, which is
typical for the thermal emission from multicolor accretion disks
in black hole X-ray binaries. They also report that no rapid
variation (10-1000s) was detected (vsnet-campaign-xray 351).
The Whipple spectrum only shows H-alpha emission (and NaD
absorption) (vsnet-campaign-xray 352). According to ATEL #554,
R. I. Hynes (LSU) and F. Mullally (UT-Austin) detected weak
flickering. No QPOs are apparent (vsnet-campaign-xray 354).
A radio counterpart was reported in ATEL#558. Spatially extended
jets are not detected (vsnet-campaign-xray 357).
SN 2005cs (RA = 13h29m52s.85, Dec = +47d10'36".3)
K. Nakajima reported 14.3C mag at July 6.47286
(vsnet-campaign-sn 1031).
V4641 Sgr (RA = 18h19m21s.58, Dec = -25d24'25".1)
The post-outburst active phase has continued until, at least July 8
(vsnet-campaign-xray 350, 353, 356, 358, 359). Rapid brightenings
reported by several visual observations are confirmed by the CCD
observations on June 5 and 6. The light curve on June 5 shows a
relatively large flare with an amplitude of ~0.25 mag and a duration
of 1 hour. Some more rapid flares (~a few minutes) are also seen
during the flare. In the light curve on June 6, we can see some
flares of 0.1-0.2mag and a few minutes (vsnet-campaign-xray 355).
delta Sco (RA = 16h00m19s.9, Dec = -22d37'17")
According to observations by S. Otero, delta Sco is now in its
faintest state since the first big rise on June-July 2000 (2.18mag
on July 4; vsnet-campaign-be 276).
NSV24607 (RA = 18h50m03s.57, Dec = -26d24'15".38)
S. Otero reported that the system has rapidly faded down to V=
11.94 but it has stayed at the same magnitude in two ASAS
observations for July 1 and 4, 2005 (vsnet-campaign-symbio 102).
V378 Ser (RA = 17h49m24s.57, Dec = -12d59'59".2)
K. Nakajima reported V=15.04 at July 6.51521 (vsnet-campaign-nova
V1663 Aql (RA = 19h05m12s.50, Dec = +05d14'12".0)
K. Nakajima reported V=13.73 at July 6.69035 (vsnet-campaign-nova
BL Lac (RA = 22h02m42.86s, Dec = +42d16'37.6")
J. Ripero reported that BL Lac is getting brighter (14.1mag, July
10.9451; vsnet-campaign-blazar 331).
*** Future schedule ***
*** General information ***
V5116 Sgr
Chart presented by S. Otero:
[vsnet-campaign-nova 1583,
[vsnet-campaign-nova 1585]
Chart presented by JVSSA:
[vsnet-campaign-nova 1693]
Image by R. Y. Shida:
[vsnet-campaign-nova 1690]
Spectrum taken by M. Fujii:
[vsnet-campaign-nova 1699]
ASAS light curve:
Chart presented by S. Otero:
[vsnet-campaign-symbio 102]
IP Peg
Eclipse ephemeris, see [vsnet-campaign-dn 4471]
(Old articles)
SN 2005W, CCD observations: [vsnet-campaign-nova 1028]
(Recent astro-ph preprints)
Hydrodynamic Perturbations in Accretion Disks
[vsnet-campaign-dn 4468]
Physics of Flames in Type Ia Supernovae
[vsnet-campaign-sn 1030]
(This summary can be cited.)
Makoto Uemura
Hiroshima University
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