[vsnet-obs 61494] Observations

g.comello g.comello at home.nl
Tue May 6 16:39:31 JST 2008

Observations for May 6, 2008
Observer   : G.Comello, Roden, The Netherlands (AAVSO-code CMG)
Instrument : 30.5-cm SC, f/10
Charts/seq.: AAVSO, unless otherwise noted
Conditions : fine night; later much twilight

Star      Date UT            Mag   code

CAMZ      20080506.035      13.0   CMG
CYGV2491  20080506.037      12.0   CMG  seq.: Henden
HERBG     20080506.04       12.5   CMG
HERAZ     20080506.04       14.0   CMG
LYRTW     20080506.04       14.6   CMG
LYRST     20080506.04       12.2   CMG
LYRRS     20080506.04       14.6   CMG
LYRCE     20080506.05       12.7   CMG
SGEST     20080506.05      :14.4   CMG  difficult; close double
CASR      20080506.05       11.1   CMG
CASW      20080506.05       11.6   CMG
CASV      20080506.05       11.0   CMG
CASRR     20080506.05       11.4   CMG
CASY      20080506.05       12.0   CMG
CAST      20080506.05        9.2   CMG
CASSS     20080506.05       12.2   CMG
CASU      20080506.05        9.2   CMG
CASVZ     20080506.05       12.7   CMG
LACS      20080506.06       11.0   CMG
LACR      20080506.06       13.5   CMG
EQUR      20080506.6         13.2   CMG
AQLS      20080506.06        9.5    CMG
CRBR      20080506.066      14.1   CMG
PEGRZ     20080506.07       12.3   CMG
PEGRT     20080506.07       10.5   CMG
PEGRR     20080506.07        9.9   CMG
ANDZ      20080506.076       9.7   CMG
ANDX      20080506.08       11.8   CMG
DELSS     20080506.08       11.7   CMG
DELRU     20080506.08       12.5   CMG
CYGSS     20080506.084      12.4   CMG
VULBD     20080506.08       11.0   CMG
VULPU     20080506.085      12.7   CMG
SGEV      20080506.087      10.9   CMG
HERAH     20080506.089      12.5   CMG
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