[vsnet-obs 61495] Observations BVE May 5, 2008

Erwin van Ballegoij aavso.id.bve at home.nl
Tue May 6 16:59:32 JST 2008

Obs.    : Erwin van Ballegoij, Heesch, the Netherlands
Instr.  : 10" f/6.3 Meade LX200, 8x50 finder
e-mail  : aavso.id.bve at home.nl

all used charts: AAVSO, unless otherwise noted

Observations for May 5, 2008
atmosph.: good transparency and seeing. No clouds.

star       date [UT]     magn.  Obs  Remarks
---------- ------------- ------ ---  -------
CAMR       20080505.9021  11.6  BVE 
CASV       20080505.9542  11.1  BVE 
CEPdelta   20080505.9236   4.3  BVE  naked eye
CEPRY      20080505.9229   9.5  BVE 
CEPS       20080505.9215   9.9  BVE 
CEPSZ      20080505.9188 <14.3  BVE 
CEPT       20080505.9201   9.7  BVE 
CNCSY      20080505.8965  11.8  BVE  active
CNCYZ      20080505.8958  11.5  BVE  active
CRBR       20080505.9333  13.9  BVE 
CYGBF      20080505.9292  10.3  BVE 
CYGCH      20080505.9271   8.9  BVE 
CYGSS      20080505.9257  12.2  BVE 
CYGV482    20080505.9278  10.8  BVE 
DRAAB      20080505.9167  12.7  BVE  active
DRAAG      20080505.9111  10.2  BVE 
DRAR       20080505.9083   8.9  BVE 
DRAU       20080505.9132  11.5  BVE 
GEMS       20080505.8889  14.0: BVE  near limit
GEMT       20080505.8924  13.9: BVE  near limit
GEMU       20080505.8944  14.2: BVE  near limit
LACS       20080505.9528  10.8  BVE 
LEOX       20080505.8986  13.7  BVE  fading
OPHRT      20080505.9410  10.0  BVE 
OPHRY      20080505.9431  11.9  BVE  low in the sky, near limit
OPHSS      20080505.9361   9.0  BVE 
OPHVV      20080505.9396  11.2  BVE 
OPHW       20080505.9347   9.6  BVE 
OPHZ       20080505.9382   9.8  BVE 
SGESV      20080505.9465  10.5  BVE 
SGEV       20080505.9479  10.9  BVE 
UMIS       20080505.9063  10.0  BVE 
UMIT       20080505.9035  12.3  BVE 
UMIU       20080505.9049  11.1  BVE 
VULPU      20080505.9500  12.8  BVE 
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