[vsnet-outburst 10137] SDSS J100515.39+191108.0 outburst

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Thu Apr 2 13:36:28 JST 2009

SDSS J100515.39+191108.0 outburst

   Catalina detected a new outburst of the SU UMa-type dwarf nova
SDSS J100515.39+191108.0:

904021180524130924 2009-04-02T04:02:06 2009-04-02T03:42:57 10 05 15.37 +19 11 07.9 4.320 13.59 13.59 13.59 13.62  http://nesssi.cacr.caltech.edu/catalina/20090402/904021180524130924.html

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