[vsnet-outburst 7000] Re: BF Cygni - light curve

Wolfgang Renz w_renz at onlinehome.de
Sun Aug 20 19:56:39 JST 2006

Emil misspelled the domain name 
 It should read:

The direct link to the AFOEV lightcurve is:
But actually it doesn't show the rise (yet).

The AAVSO has its lightcurve at:

It looks like as the rise of about 1.5 mag was in just 0.3 to 4 days !
Pretty short for a Z And star, isn't it ?

BF CYG   2453963.4562   AUG 15.9562   10.3    Vis       SSW    101,109   PD9/88           N    
BF CYG   2453963.4007   AUG 15.9007   10.3    Vis       NHK    103       PD9/88           N    
BF CYG   2453962.7569   AUG 15.2569   10.5    Vis       KMA    101,109   PD9/88           N    
BF CYG   2453962.7431   AUG 15.2431   10.2    Vis       HTN    100,103   PC9/66           N    
BF CYG   2453962.7236   AUG 15.2236   10.21   V         JJI    11.7      PD9/88   0.002   N    
BF CYG   2453962.7236   AUG 15.2236   10.3    Vis       HTN    100,103   PC9/66           N    
BF CYG   2453962.7021   AUG 15.2021   10.3    Vis       HTN    100,103   PC9/66           N    
BF CYG   2453962.6653   AUG 15.1653   10.2    Vis       HTN    100,103   PC9/66           N    
BF CYG   2453962.3910   AUG 14.8910   10.5    Vis       NHK    103,109   PD9/88           N    
BF CYG   2453961.8035   AUG 14.3035   10.5    Vis   Y   AAP    100,106   PD9/88           N   BRIGHT 
BF CYG   2453960.4896   AUG 12.9896   10.6    Vis       NHK    106,109   PD9/88           N    
BF CYG   2453956.7368   AUG 09.2368   10.1    Vis       SRB    100,103   PD9/88           N    
BF CYG   2453956.4250   AUG 08.9250   11.8    Vis   M   SJZ    117,120   PD9/88           N    
BF CYG   2453955.7901   AUG 08.2901   11.8    V         JM     117,120   PD9/88           N    
BF CYG   2453954.4104   AUG 06.9104   11.9    Vis       NHK    117,120   PD9/88           N    
BF CYG   2453953.8104   AUG 06.3104   12.2    Vis       AAP    120,125   PD9/88           N    
BF CYG   2453952.4090   AUG 04.9090   11.9    Vis       NHK    117,120   PD9/88           N    
BF CYG   2453952.3854   AUG 04.8854   11.9    Vis       FMR    117,120   PD9/88           N    
BF CYG   2453951.4688   AUG 03.9688   11.9    Vis       FMR    117,120   PD9/88           N    

Clear skies

Wolfgang Renz, Karlsruhe, Germany
Rz.BAV = WRe.vsnet = RWG.AAVSO

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <afoevb at aol.com>
To: <cvnet-outburst at yahoogroups.com>; <vsnet-outburst at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp>; <AVSON at yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2006 9:48 AM
Subject: [cvnet-outburst] BF Cygni - light curve

> Enclosed a light curve for BF Cygni made by 86 observers (4960 visual  
> observations between JD 42907 and 53917).
> See our homepage at http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fe/afoev
> Emile Schweitzer - AFOEV

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