Re: CX137 = CXO GBSJ175553.2-281633 = OGLE BLG-ELL-12042 outburst
Itoh-san provided astrometry:
RA:17 55 53.13 DEC:-28 16 35.4
The location is a few arcseconds different from that of CX137. The outbursting object may not be CX137 and could be a different type of outbursting object (such as a nova).
CX137: 175553.262 -281633.96 (2000.0) Gaia_EDR3_4062657359687091584 plx=1.130(0.049) dismod=9.7 pmra=1.164(0.052) pmdec=-6.889(0.035) G=16.223 BP=16.755 RP=15.373