[vsnet-alert 8914] V844 Her superoutburst?

Akira Imada a_imada at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Apr 25 14:33:59 JST 2006

Dear Colleagues,

According to Pavol A. Dubovsky's report, a short period UGSU star
V844 Her is in outburst.

HERV844        20060419.956  <15.0         DPV
HERV844        20060422.999  <15.0         DPV
HERV844        20060423.959  <15.6         DPV
HERV844        20060424.875   12.4         DPV   outburst

Judging from the magnitude, the present outburst may be superoutburst.
Thanks to continuous monitoring for V844 Her, we can observe near the 
bright maximum. Time resolved photometry is encouraged.

Akira Imada
VSNET Collabortion Team

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