[vsnet-alert 8801] Possible nova or dwarf nova in Cet: ASAS 023322-1047.0

Bogumil Pilecki pilecki at astrouw.edu.pl
Sat Jan 21 20:50:31 JST 2006

Possible nova or dwarf nova in Cet: ASAS 023322-1047.0

Bogumil Pilecki, Warsaw University Astronomical Observatory reports:

ASAS3V instrument of The All Sky Automated Survey (telephoto lens 180/2.8,
diameter 65mm + CCD + Johnsons V  filter, 3 minute exposures, pixel size
14.8 arcsec, rms astrometric accuracy - 4  arcsec)

has detected outburst of an previously unobserved object (nova, dwarf nova?)
at RA = 02h 33m 22s  DEC = -10d 47'.0

One USNO_B1 star is located close to this position:
#          id|           RA|          DEC|     B1|     R1|     B2|    R2|     I2|
 0792-0024872 02:33:21.3620 -10:47:04.940  18.180  18.620  19.340 19.150  18.940 

A faint object is visible nearby on DSS images.

    DATE      UT                       HJD      V
18/01/2006 01:47:40 (Jan 18.075) 2453753.5758 invisible ( V > 14 )
20/01/2006 02:53:18 (Jan 20.121) 2453755.6212 12.08
21/01/2006 00:50:53 (Jan 21.036) 2453756.5361 12.30

Also visible on an image taken on 19/01/2006 02:28:10 UT (HJD 2453754.6045)
by ASAS3I instrument (I filter).

Light curve and images can be found on

Bogumil Pilecki.

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