[vsnet-alert 18840] ASASSN-14dh: new SU UMa-type dwarf nova

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Fri Jul 10 15:55:49 JST 2015

ASASSN-14dh: new SU UMa-type dwarf nova

   Maeda-san observed this object and detected superhumps
with amplitudes larger than 0.2 mag.  The period
is around 0.073 d.  The current magnitude is around V=14.0.

(information from vsnet-alert 18823)

   ASAS-SN detected a bright outburst.  This is the brightest
outburst recorded by ASAS-SN.

ASASSN-14dh	21:23:25.62	-15:39:54.4	17.7	2015/07/02 11:48	57205.49227999989	13.37	13.30	57205.49380

ASASSN-14dh 20150702.492 13.37V ASN
ASASSN-14dh 20150702.494 13.30V ASN

ASASSN-14dh 	--- 	------- 	21:23:25.62 	-15:39:54.4 	2014-06-27.49 	15.93 	SDSS 	DSS 	VIZIER 	------- 	CV candidate, GALEX match, previous outbursts in CRTS data, V>16.8 on 2014-06-24.50

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