ASASSN-19za possible superoutburst
Gaia22aau AT2019slj 2022-01-01 15:22:10 350.07709 49.32948 15.14 18.99 0.72 CV 2022-01-03 14:16:29 ~5 mag outburst in confirmed CV ASASSN-19za, spectrum on TNS
Observations on two nights during the 2019 superoutbursts.
This SU UMa type dwarf nova in Perseus is in outburst on the latest image
from Open University's COAST telescope installed on Teide, Tenerife. COAST
Mark III is 0.42-m f/6.8 CDK17 Dall-Kirkham with FLI ProLine KAF-09000 CCD.
MASTER OT J042609.34+354144.8
20211122.3276 16.38r ZTF Lasair
20211212.9034 16.12CV COAST
20211213.4163 16.30o ATLAS (Tonry et al.)
20211221.5314 16.15o ATLAS
20211223.5042 15.84o ATLAS
20211225.3864 16.28o ATLAS
20211226.3844 16.50o ATLAS last observartion before outburst
20211227.9386 15.93CV COAST
20220103.0572 13.29CV COAST Outburst!
ZTF Lasair real-time data has
not been updated since 2021 Nov. 22 (MJD=59540).
The light curve from Zwicky Transient Facility (Masci et al., 2019) Data
Release 8:
Light curve from ATLAS forced photometry server (Tonry et al., 2018):
Note the long-term variations of the quiescent level. Fourth body in the
system? Third body is apparently too far away (16.6" at 186 pc is about
3000 AU, or 100x Sun-Neptune distance) to cause perturbations on a few
years time scale.
Denis Denisenko
TV Corvi (UGSU)
From "activity at a glance (Jan 02)" (Taichi Kato, vsnet-outburst 28168):
20211229.671 132 (Rod Stubbings)
20211230.1675 13.37C (Masao Funada)
20211230.669 134 (Rod Stubbings)
20211231.3199 13.52C (Masao Funada)
The current superoutburst started between 2021 December 24 and 29
according to recent ASAS-SN Sky Patrol (Shappee et al. 2014ApJ...788...48S
and Kochanek et al. 2017PASP..129j4502K) data:…
Normal outbursts were observed from 2021 February 16 to 18 and
from July 5 to 7.
Time-resolved photometry is encouraged.
Clear skies,
CRTS J045446.8-181214 (UG)
Grzegorz Duszanowicz reports that SSS 130317:045447-181214
is bright (mag. 14.6). According to ASAS-SN Sky Patrol data the
outburst started on 2021 December 28 or 29:…
ZTF light curve, data, and images (via Lasair):
Time-resolved photometry is encouraged.
Clear skies,
All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN) Sky Patrol:
- Shappee et al., 2014ApJ...788...48S
- Kochanek et al., 2017PASP..129j4502K
- Smith et al., 2019RNAAS...3...26S
Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF):
- Masci et al., 2019PASP..131a8003M