The southern RCB star V854 Cen has again faded to about 1 magnitude below
its usual maximum brightness and, based on its history of being one of the
more active RCB stars, would seem to be overdue for a deep decline. The
last deep but brief decline commenced in 2022 July. V854 Cen is, however,
now becoming difficult to observe as it approaches conjunction with the sun.
Recent visual observations :
CENV854 20230915.437 73 WPX
CENV854 20230918.411 74 WPX
CENV854 20231008.416 79 WPX
CENV854 20231009.426 81 WPX
CENV854 20231011.388 82 WPX
Tks and regards
Peter Williams
Heathcote NSW
10x50mm & 20x80mm binoculars