Unfiltered CCD observations of ASASSN-20pv on the night Jan 22-23 at CBA KKO show the clear presence of superhumps with amplitude 0.06CR and period 0.00952d +/- 0.00002d.The mean magnitude was 12.84CR. Observations on Jan 20 showed a transition to the early modulation with 'growing' superhumps of still small amplitude and a hint of a 0.0095d alt. 0.019d period around a mean magnitude of 12.49CR. A short observing run on Jan 23-24 showed superhumps of amplitude 0.08CR around a mean magnitude of 12.95CR.
Berto Monard / CBA KKO Calitzdorp / South Africa
On Mon, Jan 24, 2022 at 1:42 AM Taichi Kato tkato@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp wrote:
ASASSN-20pv: no major variations yet
Josch Hambsch reported observations on two nights. No major variations were found. The object may be currently in early superhump phase.