ASASSN-22el: UXOR star with very rare fading?
ASASSN-22el --- ------- 7:37:35.79 -4:31:17.1 2022-04-1.2 13.6 SDSS DSS VIZIER ------- Deep eclipse event, matches to PS1 g=13.3, The full ASAS-SN light curve and the last 100 days.
073735.745 -043117.54 (2000.0) Gaia_EDR3_3057084127033805824 plx=0.251(0.019) dismod=13.0 pmra=-1.772(0.017) pmdec=0.616(0.013) G=12.964 BP=13.255 RP=12.503 2MASS 073735.744 -043117.53 (2000.0) 11.866 11.489 11.384
Short fading in 2017 Sep.