CY Ori: bright dwarf nova in Orion
ASAS-SN data:
One of the brightest dwarf novae in Orion. Z Cam-type variable. The 2019 Oct-2020 Jan. standstill slowly brightened with some oscillations. Could be a signature of an IW And star, although typical IW And-type behavior has not yet been recorded. Long, bright outburst in 2021 Aug.-Sep. followed by smaller outbursts. The behavior is somewhat atypical and would require more observations.
TESS data show very clear double-wave modulations (ellipsoidal with O'Connell effect) with Porb=0.279969(4) d.
061448.742 +093427.67 (2000.0) Gaia_DR2_3329059422060781184 plx=2.338(0.057) dismod=8.2 pmra=2.610(0.091) pmdec=-7.893(0.076) G=12.504 BP=12.744 RP=12.082 061448.742 +093427.67 (2000.0) Gaia_EDR3_3329059422060781184 plx=2.298(0.059) dismod=8.2 pmra=1.727(0.060) pmdec=-8.005(0.049) G=12.418 BP=12.632 RP=12.008