WX Cet started to show superhumps
According to the most recent observations by Josch Hambsch,
WX Cet started to show superhumps on Oct. 4 or 5.
Itoh-san obtained long time-series data starting from
the rising phase, but superhumps were not apparent
up to Oct. 3.
SDSS J001153.08-064739.1 rare bright outburst
Moriyama-san has pointed out that this object is
undergoing a rare bright outburst. The orbital period
is in the period gap and a superoutburst can be expected.
Using ZTF data, I obtained an orbital period
of 0.1002809(1) d. The phased light curve show clear
EW-like modulations with an amplitude of 0.25 mag.
YYYYMMDD(UT) mag observer
20220703.4593 17.813zg (Zwicky Transient Facility (Masci et al., 2019))
20220706.4376 17.765zg (Zwicky Transient Facility (Masci et al., 2019))
20220917.3159 17.539zg (ZTF Alert DC mag (Masci+ 2019))
20220929.2732 14.095zg (ZTF Alert DC mag (Masci+ 2019))
20221003.6523 13.10C (Masayuki Moriyama)
20221005.5858 13.51C (Masayuki Moriyama)
ASASSN-22lx: new SU UMa-type dwarf nova
Josch Hambsch and Berto Monard have reported observations.
This object started to show superhumps on Oct. 4.
The current period is 0.0564(5) d.
ASASSN-22lk: superhump period
Period = 0.05584(2) d, amplitude 0.12 mag (after Sep. 27).
My analysis suggests that early superhumps were below
the detection limit.
Observers: Kyoto U. team, Itoh-san, Tonny Vanmunster.
TCP J23580961+5502508: updated period of early superhumps
Period = 0.05940(1) d. Mean amplitude 0.15 mag.
Observers: Kyoto U. team, Itoh-san, Osaka Kyoiku U. team,
Kiyota-san, Tamas Tordai, Sano-san, Josch Hambsch