Dear colleagues,
I have just finished analysing my unfiltered CCD observations of TCP
J17374270+4915116, obtained over the past 7 nights between 2024, Dec 23/24
and 29/30 at CBA Extremadura Observatory (Spain) using a 0.40-m f/5.1
telescope and SX-46 CCD camera under clear skies. The object started to
develop superhumps on Dec 28/29, which further developed on Dec 29/30.
The resulting light curve clearly shows the presence of regular superhumps
with an amplitude of 0.25 mag, establishing TCP J17374270+4915116 as a new
SU UMa-type dwarf nova. A period analysis, using the ANOVA, Lomb-Scargle,
Generalized-Lomb-Scargle and PDM methods (Peranso 3.0) yields a combined
superhump period of 0.0589 +/- 0.0002d. The object was at mag CV = 14.6 on
Dec 30th.
Image calibration and photometry were done using Phoranso, which allowed me
to simultaenously measure other variables present in the FOV of this new SU
UMa-type dwarf nova.
I will send my observations to AAVSO, CBA and VSNET for further analysis.
With kind regards,
Tonny Vanmunster
CBA Belgium Observatory
CBA Extremadura Observatory <> m
PERANSO : The Light Curve and Period Analysis Software <> m
PHORANSO: Photometric Reduction and Analysis Software *** NEW *** <>
Dear colleagues,
I have just finished analysing my unfiltered CCD observations of TCP
J03493487+3607319 (aka ASASSN-24hf), obtained on 2024, Dec 23/24, 24/25 and
25/26 at CBA Extremadura Observatory (Spain) using a 0.40-m f/5.1 telescope
and SX-46 CCD camera under clear skies.
The resulting light curve clearly shows the presence of regular superhumps
with an amplitude of 0.23 mag, establishing TCP J03493487+3607319 as a new
SU UMa-type dwarf nova. A period analysis, using the ANOVA, Lomb-Scargle,
Generalized-Lomb-Scargle and PDM methods (Peranso 3.0) yields a combined
superhump period of 0.0697 +/- 0.0002d. The object was at mag CV = 16.7 on
Dec 26th.
Image calibration and photometry were done using Phoranso, which allowed me
to simultaenously measure other variables present in the FOV of this new SU
UMa-type dwarf nova.
I will send my observations to AAVSO, CBA and VSNET for further analysis.
With kind regards,
Tonny Vanmunster
CBA Belgium Observatory
CBA Extremadura Observatory <> m
PERANSO : The Light Curve and Period Analysis Software <> m
PHORANSO: Photometric Reduction and Analysis Software *** NEW *** <>
TCP J23291172+4127354: new eclipsing WZ Sge-type dwarf nova
TCP J23291172+4127354 was discovered by Y. Nakamura on 2024-12-04.5385
at 14.1 mag (unfiltered). The counterpart in Pan-STARRS1 is g= 21.6
mag (objID= 157753522991272187), hence the outburst amplitude is ~7.5
Time-resolved observations reported by Itoh-san on the 5th and 6th Dec
show double-peaked profiles and superposed eclipses. Its period and
amplitude are obtained as 0.05693(2) d and ~0.5 mag (0.3 mag hump +
0.3 mag eclipse).
Thus TCP J23291172+4127354 is a new (and yet another!) eclipsing WZ
Sge-type dwarf nova.
This would be another nice target for time-resolved photometries.
Best regards,
South African Astronomical Observatory, Postdoc fellow
反保 雄介 Yusuke TAMPO
MAIL: tampo(a)
MAIL: yusuke(a)
Gaia DR3 3130088774241620608: confirmation as a WZ Sge-type dwarf nova
Itoh-san and J. Hambsch have reported the time-resolved observations
of Gaia DR3 3130088774241620608 = TCP J06330104+0303350.
The light curve shows a large-amplitude double-hump profile and
superposed eclipses.
Combining with AAVSO observations by J. Zhao, I obtained the early
superhump+eclipse period as 0.05786(1) d.
The orbital profile amplitude is ~0.5 mag; 0.3 mag early superhump
plus 0.3 mag eclipse.
Therefore, Gaia DR3 3130088774241620608 is now confirmed as an
eclipsing WZ Sge-type.
Time-resolved observations are strongly encouraged!
best regards,
2024年11月29日(金) 15:56 Yusuke Tampo <tampo(a)>:
> TCP J06330104+0303350 = Gaia DR3 3130088774241620608
> TCP J06330104+0303350 was discovered by T. Kojima on 2024-11-28.76 at
> 13.9 mag and now brightened to V=13.4 mag according to TOCP reports.
> This system has already been pointed as a WZ Sge-type cataclysmic
> variable candidate in Inight et al 2024, named Gaia DR3
> 3130088774241620608.
> This outburst is a great opportunity to determine its outburst nature
> as well as derive its superhump periods.
> Time-resolved observations are encouraged.
> Best regards
> Yusuke
> --
> ----------------------------------------------
> South African Astronomical Observatory, Postdoc fellow
> 反保 雄介 Yusuke TAMPO
> MAIL: tampo(a)
> MAIL: yusuke(a)
> ----------------------------------------------
South African Astronomical Observatory, Postdoc fellow
反保 雄介 Yusuke TAMPO
MAIL: tampo(a)
MAIL: yusuke(a)