TCP J07222683+6220548: AM CVn star showing a superoutburst
The time-resolved observations of TCP J07222683+6220548 aka ZTF25aacfjde
have been repoted by Itoh-san, Sano-san, Josch Hambsch and Tamás Tordai.
This object showed a 4-mag dip in the middle of the outburst, and
time-resolved observations by Itoh-san after the recovery from this dip
detected single-peaked variations with a period of 0.03256(2) d, likely an
ordinary superhump.
Thus TCP J07222683+6220548 is a new AM CVn star showing a superoutburst.
Best regards,
South African Astronomical Observatory, Postdoc fellow
反保 雄介 Yusuke TAMPO
MAIL: tampo(a)
MAIL: yusuke(a)