Dear colleagues,
I have just finished analysing my unfiltered CCD observations of NSV 5031, obtained on 2022, February 07/08 at CBA Extremadura Observatory (Spain), using a 0.40-m f/5.1 telescope and SX-46 CCD camera under clear skies. My observations were triggered by Rob Stubbings' vsnet-alert message 26557.
Regular superhumps with an amplitude of 0.35 mag are very clearly visible in the resulting light curve, establishing NSV 5031 as a new SU UMa-type dwarf nova. A period analysis using the ANOVA, Lomb-Scargle, Generalized-Lomb-Scargle and PDM methods (Peranso 3.0), yields a combined superhump period of 0.0764 +/- 0.0013d. The object was at mag CV = 14.1 on Feb 08th.
I will send my observations to AAVSO, CBA and VSNET for further analysis.
Best regards Tonny
Tonny Vanmunster CBA Belgium Observatory CBA Extremadura Observatory
PERANSO : The Light Curve and Period Analysis Software
I like to confirm Tony's findings from simultaneous observations done of NSV 5031 at the Klein Karoo Observatory over 6.5h with midtime JD 9618.49 The LC shows clear superhumps with varying amplitudes around 0.3CR and a period of 0.0755d +/- 0.0005 using the CLEANest and PDM methods via an older version of Peranso. The mean mag was 13.8CR.
Further observations are intended tonight.
Berto Monard / CBA KKO Calitzdorp, South Africa
On Tue, Feb 8, 2022 at 2:09 PM wrote:
Dear colleagues,
I have just finished analysing my unfiltered CCD observations of NSV 5031, obtained on 2022, February 07/08 at CBA Extremadura Observatory (Spain), using a 0.40-m f/5.1 telescope and SX-46 CCD camera under clear skies. My observations were triggered by Rob Stubbings' vsnet-alert message 26557.
Regular superhumps with an amplitude of 0.35 mag are very clearly visible in the resulting light curve, establishing NSV 5031 as a new SU UMa-type dwarf nova. A period analysis using the ANOVA, Lomb-Scargle, Generalized-Lomb-Scargle and PDM methods (Peranso 3.0), yields a combined superhump period of 0.0764 +/- 0.0013d. The object was at mag CV = 14.1 on Feb 08th.
I will send my observations to AAVSO, CBA and VSNET for further analysis.
Best regards Tonny
Tonny Vanmunster CBA Belgium Observatory CBA Extremadura Observatory
PERANSO : The Light Curve and Period Analysis Software