RomanovV48: object below the period minimum with a hot secondary?
I have confirmed the period. P=0.0420991(1) d. Double-wave modulation with a marked hot spot? M_K = +4.5 suggests an evolved, luminous secondary (at least it's not an ordinary secondary of a polar). No apparent long-term modulation of the mean brightness. First non-DN EI Psc-type CV? Spectroscopy is strongly encouraged.
2MASS 201116.822 +600428.59 (2000.0) 16.600 16.289 15.386
201116.826 +600428.05 (2000.0) Gaia_DR2_2236896418906579072 plx=0.692(0.093) dismod=10.8 pmra=-4.787(0.228) pmdec=-7.973(0.240) G=17.369 BP=17.400 RP=17.007 201116.825 +600428.04 (2000.0) Gaia_EDR3_2236896418906579072 plx=0.693(0.065) dismod=10.8 pmra=-4.804(0.090) pmdec=-7.953(0.081) G=17.303 BP=17.407 RP=17.000 201116.892 +600428.18 (2000.0) GALEX_DR5_6372569504726126036 NUV=18.267(0.057) FUV=18.467(0.098)