CRTSJ085024.2-235811: neglected AM CVn, on the fading tail of the 2022 superoutburst
Numerous rebrightenings and long fading tail. Supercycle about 1 yr and observations during the next superoutburst is wanted. Currently mag 19.
YYYYMMDD(UT) mag observer 20221017.3308 15.293o (ATLAS Forced Photometry (Tonry+2018, PASP 130, 064505)) 20221017.3331 15.286o (ATLAS Forced Photometry (Tonry+2018, PASP 130, 064505)) 20221017.3383 15.222o (ATLAS Forced Photometry (Tonry+2018, PASP 130, 064505)) 20221017.3456 15.238o (ATLAS Forced Photometry (Tonry+2018, PASP 130, 064505))