Observer: Marc Biesmans, Essen, Belgium Initials: BMM Internet:
Instruments: Celestron CPC800 EHD, Edge HD SCT on CPC forkmount (SC 203) + 6 x 30 mm, 8 x 40 mm, 8 x 56 mm, 10 x 60 mm and 15 x 70 mm binoculars (B30, B40, B56, B60 and B70)
All charts and sequences: BMM
Visual observations for May 17, 2023
All times: UT
Date(UT) Star Magn. Comp.stars Chart info Power Aperture Seq. photometry
20230517.9 Boo Z <14.1 BMM 141 D120701 226 x SC 203 CCDV APASS 20230517.9 CrB S 12.5 BMM 123-126 D110501 85 x SC 203 TASS(V) + CCDV Henden 20230517.9 Leo TZ 12.9 BMM 128-131 C110111 127 x SC 203 ASAS-3(V) + CCDV Henden 20230517.9 Ser WW 12.2 BMM 120-124 D110402 85 x SC 203 ASAS-3(V) + CCDV Henden 20230517.9 Vir AP 13.0 BMM 127-130 D180412 156 x SC 203 ASAS-3(V) + CCDV APASS 20230517.9 Vir SU 13.6 BMM 133-135 D090205 226 x SC 203 ASAS-3(V) + CCDV Henden
Regards, Marc