Nagasaki All Sky CV Patrol detect active & outburst
MASTER_OT_J085854.16-274030.7 could not be confirmed because the limiting magnitude was not dark(<145c) enough.
object YYYYMMDD(UT) mag code
ANDAR 20211128.61795 126cG Mdy.VSOLJ outburst ANDRX 20211128.61589 128cG Mdy.VSOLJ active ASASSN-13bc 20211128.38755 160:c Mdy.VSOLJ outburst ASASSN-14gu 20211128.68578 154:c Mdy.VSOLJ outburst ASASSN-15ay 20211128.78546 152:c Mdy.VSOLJ active CAMNN 20211128.55488 136cG Mdy.VSOLJ active CAPSY 20211128.38716 135cG Mdy.VSOLJ outburst CEPFX 20211128.45771 153c Mdy.VSOLJ outburst CETWW 20211128.37611 139c Mdy.VSOLJ active CMADM 20211128.66779 154:c Mdy.VSOLJ active CMAHL 20211128.66676 135cG Mdy.VSOLJ active CNCAT 20211128.75231 135cG Mdy.VSOLJ active CNCLX 20211128.74683 134cG Mdy.VSOLJ outburst CRTSJ054301.1-164011 20211128.66123 146:cG Mdy.VSOLJ active CYGSS 20211128.46293 102cG Mdy.VSOLJ active CYGV1006 20211128.40557 153:cG Mdy.VSOLJ active CYGV1060 20211128.46543 159:c Mdy.VSOLJ active CYGV1113 20211128.40916 149:cG Mdy.VSOLJ outburst CYGV2209 20211128.46249 155:c Mdy.VSOLJ active CYGV2289 20211128.41020 154:cG Mdy.VSOLJ active CYGV3101 20211128.46163 153:c Mdy.VSOLJ active CYGV503 20211127.44413 144cG Mdy.VSOLJ active DRAEX 20211128.39819 135cG Mdy.VSOLJ active DRAV416 20211128.39922 140cG Mdy.VSOLJ outburst Gaia15afz 20211128.66625 145c Mdy.VSOLJ outburst GEMU 20211128.71514 133cG Mdy.VSOLJ rising? LACEG 20211128.50566 159:c Mdy.VSOLJ rare outburst LEOIU 20211128.79721 132cG Mdy.VSOLJ active MASTER_OT_J015016.17+375620.5 20211128.61847 154:c Mdy.VSOLJ active MASTER_OT_J212624.16+253827.2 20211128.47449 151c Mdy.VSOLJ outburst NSV02026 20211128.64780 156:c Mdy.VSOLJ active ORIBI 20211128.65573 145:c Mdy.VSOLJ active ORIV1159 20211128.65865 143:cG Mdy.VSOLJ active PEGHX 20211128.57813 133cG Mdy.VSOLJ active PERFO 20211128.55245 133cG Mdy.VSOLJ active PUPBV 20211128.73051 132cG Mdy.VSOLJ active SDSSJ214354.60+124458.0 20211128.48155 147cG Mdy.VSOLJ outburst UMABZ 20211128.76074 144cG Mdy.VSOLJ active UMAER 20211128.76708 145:cG Mdy.VSOLJ active UMAKS 20211128.80691 139cG Mdy.VSOLJ active
Observer: MAEDA Yutaka (Nagasaki, Japan) Instruments: 25cmRC+0.75reducer+DSLR(canon eoskissX3) exposure:30s telescope & camera control:STELLASHOT detect & photometry:UGEM